Lijiawa mammalian fossil locality, China

Fundort: Lijiawa mammalian fossil locality, China, Yunnan, China
Taxon: Bahinia banyueae aus der Familie Eosimiidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
Macrofossils,mesofossils, Fossiliferous layer above the marlite bed in the Caijiachong Formation; about 50 m higher than the late Eocene upper fossiliferous layer at the Caijiachong locality, and about 130 m higher than the late Eocene lower fossiliferous layer at the Caijiachong locality, A small outcrop about 5 m thick consists of a bed of light grayish yellow calcareous mudstone with bedded thin layers of marlstone.
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 28,4 und 33,9 Millionen Jahre aus der Caijiachong Formation in China
Geologie, Sratigraphie Rupelian / Early Oligocene / Caijiachong
Koordinaten: 25° 23 ' 11 '' N, 103° 57 ' 5 '' O


X. Ni, Q. Li, L. Li, K. C. Beard 2016, Oligocene primates from China reveal divergence between African and Asian primate evolution. Science. 352:6286, p. 673 - 677


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